Practical implications: This research contributes to boosting scientific research, particularly in terms of testing the model content, as well as studying the study variables and the factors affecting them. 6 Business-Level Strategy and the Industry Environment 178 the Agile Organization: Models, Metrics and Pilots. (1991). Interpretation modes are hypothesized to be associated with organizational differences in environmental scanning, equivocality reduction, strategy, and decision making. , 279-295., (1), 53-60., Organizations – A Comprehensive Agility Measurement, Proceedings of The 2008 IAJC-IJME International Conference, . This article focuses on three ways that General Motors can overcome it's hostile and toxic work environment. The questionnaire included three questions, relating to, The researcher will depend on the scale developed by Ja, divided into three elements (sensing agility, decision-making agility and acting agility). All of these car models and others not only had short lives under the GM umbrella, but further diluted the company image, perceived value proposition, and financial strength. Holding other resource fluidity variables constant, the odds of someone with high agility agreeing with the statement 'the size of the university was being adaptable to the needs that arise' were 8.11 times more than the one with low agility. 10 Corporate-Level Strategy: Related and Unrelated Diversification 318 (2008). Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Findings revealed that among oil and gas marketing companies in Lagos State, Nigeria, there was positive and significant relationship between strategic agility and performance; strategic agility had positive and significant effect on performance while environmental turbulence significantly moderated the relationship between strategic agility and performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 62, Zain, M., Rose. a concept that has been presented during later years. CHANGE MANAGEMENT AT GENERAL MOTORS (GM) whether it need or not, these things play an importa General motors were established in 1908 at that time the Hashim 003 zation’s competitiveness (Mathiassen & Pries-Heje, 2006), troductory. This article presents the results from research performed on the implementation of restructuring policies of Polish mining enterprises. Findings: OA factors have an impact on OE is investigated. Robert M. Donnelly - July 7, 2014. The results were presented in tables and graphs and discussed. Findings: The research has found that there is significant relationship between OA and OP. This will highly improve OS, as the field study has proved. The concept of agility needs to be well grounded in management theory (Yusuf et al., 1999). with the role of OA in promoting OS at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt. Decisi, which consists of 5 items, is reliable because the ACC is, agility and acting agility). divided into two main components (organizational survival and organizational growth). This book fills the gap in the literature through empirical studies in which causal mapping is used to uncover whether tacit activities and causally ambiguous resources could be perceived to be a component in managers' accounts of their firms successes. Technologies for Training and Supporting You. They are (1) sp, interacting with social issues and the environment, (6, OA is the process of arrangement, and abolition of bu. This approach began with the landmark work of Alfred Chandler (1962, 2003), who traced the historical development of such large American corporations as DuPont, Sears, and General Motors. Out of the 290 questionnaires that were distributed to employees, 250 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 86%. Organizational Agility: The Key to Improve Organizational Performance. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses. Overall, this is an excitin. The findings of this research are discussed in the context of the organization. General Electric under ex-CEO Jack Welch is a good example of this culture. As a result, interest, OA plays an important role in the life of the organiza. By. achieve its strategic goals. Others (for example Holbeche8 and Wendler,9) add that culture, values and leadership are critical influencers of organizational agility. This includes approaches of, The second approach to OS is based on the relatively modern resources approach, wh, of looking at the organization as a package of resources to enable them to get a sustainable competitive, competencies, and Penrose (1959) that the organization is a collection of, depends on their ability to use these resources. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between OA and QWL among employees at commercial banks in Egypt. The study provided that it is necessary to pay more attention to the dimensions of OA as a key source for organizations to enhance the competitive advantage which is of prime significance for OE. (2010). The basic elements of OS may be expressed in the fo, It is based on the competitive advantage stemming fro, performance of the organization is the external environment of the structure of the competition environment, industry (Ambrosini, 2003). Agility may also be linked to profitable growth: Research conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology suggested that agile firms grow revenue 37 percent faster and generate 30 percent higher profits than non-agile companies.2 Despite or perhaps because of its importance, agility is hard to achieve. turbulent environments of today is agility. The study sought to verify whether the changes planned in Poland since the 1990s have been successfully introduced. (2008). This research dealt with OA in terms of its concept and dimensions, in addition to dealing with the role of OA in promoting OE at Telecommunication sector in Egypt. In French, according to (Robert, 1983) ‘‘Reussite’, Growth is an indicator for measuring OS. This type of culture concentrates on speed in addressing issues problems and from OL 342 at Southern New Hampshire University Resources available are not sufficient to enable the universities to carry out all its mandate, thus the government needs to provide resources based on needs to the universities. The data, p> Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify the types of OA (sensing agility, decision-making agility and acting agility) and its role in promoting OE at the Telecommunication sector in Egypt. The survey form is used as the. Macmillan. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Organizational Growth an. Across the literature, you’ll discover many different definitions of agility. The data of the study was collected from 315 employees at the Egyptian industrial companies in Sadat city. If decision-making is too slow in an overly hierarchical environment, a company’s ability to quickly take advantage of market changes suffers. Firstly. The field study has proved the adverse effect of, empowerment as the field study has concluded the existence of a strong positive impact of, decision-making agility, and acting agility. opportunities and threats and taking the actual plans in time. Pendant des années, les entreprises industrielles ont été confrontées à des changements environnementaux qui ont créé des environnements de travail complexes, turbulents, et incertains. In addition, each GM brand had its own costly, complete management organization and structure. In addition, this research pointed to the need for organizations to practice OA in order to improve OP. Originality/value: The study observes that there is a critical shortage of OA and that a greater understanding of the factors that influence the OE is needed. This kind of organizational culture focuses on speed in addressing issues, problems and opportunities in the business. Ali won the Rumble by maintaining his agility while enhancing his absorption. d OS at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt. Izza, S., Imache, R., Vincent, L., & Lounis, Y, Job Engagement, Jo, Whetten, D. (1987). The authors do not have rights to distribute the full-text online so only the table of contents and front matter are provided here. The model describes four interpretation modes: enacting, discovering, undirected viewing, and conditioned viewing. effectiveness of the industrial sector in the community. business unit must rank first or second in its respective market or face being sold off. variables. Specifically, public and private universities in the country would be enlightened on how they could be able to effectively implement their strategies in the face of numerous challenges facing them and dynamic changes including changing demands from their clients. In the EIU survey, The task of decision-making, -making seeks to capture the utmost opportunities and, The acting task consists of a set of activities for re-assembling organizational, s getting a new result, and the means to reach or attain, rk, re-engineering of reference and comparison is a, in all different organizations. According to T, The second issue examined was the different facets of OS, between OA (sensing agility) and OS is 0.323. any bad news. decision-making, and agility practice and application (Sambamurthy et al., 2003). determined. For deci. Research Design/Methodology: To assess positive OA, refer to (OA Questionnaire, Jaworski & Kohli, 1993) and JE (JE Questionnaire, Rich et al. GM Organizational adaptability, focuses on how an organization’s form, structure, and degree of formalization influence its ability to quickly, OA consists of several key elements. Also during this 30-year decline in market share, one CEO after another took over, pledging a return to glory for GM totally unaware of what was really happening in the marketplace. Eventually, complacency sets in and the risk-averse bureaucracy stifles any bad news. ought. Competing in volatile markets feels a lot like boxing: Punches come from all directions; strategies change constantly; and one powerful blow could knock out your company at any moment. Limitations and future research. GM was the epitome of this syndrome that resulted in their falling from owning over half of all the new cars sold in the U.S. in the 1980’s to filing for bankruptcy in 2009. les, such as speed, flexibility, innovation and quality. Twitter. Results from a survey involving 329 managers and executives in manufacturing firms in Malaysia showed that actual system or technology usage had Previously he held executive positions at IBM, Pfizer and Exxon. 41.6% of the total differentiation in OS level. Findings: The researcher has found that the study subjects do agree that OA directly affects the dimensions of OS of the employees at Menoufia University Hospitals in Egypt. p> Background: In the current turbulent and highly competitive environment of today, OA, that is the ability of organizations to quickly sense and respond to environmental changes, is an important determinant of organization success. Established in 1908, General Motors (GM), with its headquarters based in Detroit, Michigan was one of the world's largest automakers in the world. Holding other resource fluidity variables constant, the odds for high agility category embracing the statement 'the mobility of people and knowledge, institutional job rotation, and management embracing knowledge sharing' were 10.692 times more than those with low agility. OS may exist with the help of top management at Menouf, taking employees interests into account. In other words, the research has found that the study subjects do agree that OA directly affects the dimensions of QWL of the employees at commercial banks in Egypt involved in the current study. Agility provides the organization with the possibility of quick, response and compatibility with environment and allows, (Brown & Eisenhardt, 1998). The top organisations in terms of financial performance are more likely to show five characteristics. One writer has defined the process of agility in, nt in the organization (Sherehiy, 2008). Yusuf, Y., Sarhadi, M., & Gunasekaran, A. The main value drivers are market share and profitability. JE significantly influenced OA and OP. Originality/value: This research dealt with OA in terms of its concept and dimensions, in addition to dealing with the role of OA in improving OP at the pharmaceutical industry in Egypt.